İşte Amerikan Rüyası
Gönderim Zamanı: 03 Şubat 2012 17:33
Furkan, bana sorsan Zebralarına en fazla 6 aylık derdim... hayrola yem mi vermiyorsun tosuncuklara?
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Gönderim Zamanı: 03 Şubat 2012 17:51
[QUOTE=Cenk Bildir]Furkan, bana sorsan Zebralarına en fazla 6 aylık derdim... hayrola yem mi vermiyorsun tosuncuklara?[/QUOTE]
Evet gelişimleri kötü.Yem vermemekten değilde sanırım hacim küçük geliyor.30 litrede boylandılar.sonra biraz 72litreye geçtiler.Şimdi de buradalar.

Sıra meleklerde.72 litrede bulunan 2 adet melek balığım.Cinsiyetleri hakkında bi fikrim yok.1erkek 1dişi olabilir.Bu arada akvaryum camının temizliğiyle gurur duyarım
7-8 senedir beri çalışıyor akvaryum.O yüzden çiziği,cam lekesi boldur

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Gönderim Zamanı: 03 Şubat 2012 19:48

I honestly am not sure. I think he is close to ten years old.
[QUOTE=Cenk Bildir]
When they were about five or six years old. I was left with one fish that I kept for photos...the picture I posted here. He eventually died of s swim bladder problem.
I hope this can be translated.
I spend a lot of time photographing this particular pair of fish. They make it easy and they are really a good looking pair of fish. I've noted before that they have a pretty set pattern of behavior leading up to, during and after breeding.
This particular phase is about a week prior to the event. The male will begin displaying and nudging the female from below...mouthing her side and fins. What I find interesting is that the female more or less goes slack when the male drives her sideways and to the top of the tank. I have several shots like this.
One of the things I do when I want to "create some action" is that I will spend a few minutes right in front of the tank, moving my hands along the glass, annoying the pair with my presence...then I step back and use a 105mm VR lens with three flash units (SB-900) two on top and one on the bottom. All flash units are diffused and output adjusted between +1 and -.75 depending on how much light I need at a particular angle. When you can dial in the correct exposures, the results are quite nice.

Still able to see me outside the tank. I have found that these fish...the parachromis in particular..have very good eye sight for about 6-8 feet in front of the tank. If I stand motionless within that range they will stare...and after a period of time (on their clock) they will resume activity. I try and dress in non contrasting colors and turn off all extraneous light. If you move even a couple inches left or right, they will zone back in on your image. Lot of time spent standing with the camera up to my eye...waiting.
Shortly after they forget about me, the male will begin by puffing himself up and kiting along side the female...fins erect and operculum popping. This photo was part luck and part keeping the lens to my eye for ten minutes. The fish looks insane. :D

And here he is kiting in over top of the female...completely blocking her from view.

I took these last two pictures and was pretty excited. When I see an image I capture and I know I have something...I get excited and it's like a drug. It just feels good. The question is always, do I put it on the computer now...or keep shooting. I always ultimately default to taking more photos. Like I said, I shoot these a lot and have hundreds that I haven't posted. I was able to get the male doing his "nuptial T-bone" to the female.

That last shot is a killer. B)
This fish adorn our dreams
and I'm afraid to ask the age of this fish :)

Balık hepimizin hayallerini süslüyor
ve yaşını sormaya korkuyorum güldüm :)))))
[/QUOTE]I honestly am not sure. I think he is close to ten years old.
[QUOTE=Cenk Bildir]
Mo, at what age did they start forming the hump?
If I recall correctly, you gave the female to one your friends after 8 years.
Mo, kaç yaşında kafa yapmaya başladılar?
Yanlış hatırlamıyorsam dişiye 8 yıl baktıktan sonra bir arkadaşına vermiştin.
[/QUOTE]When they were about five or six years old. I was left with one fish that I kept for photos...the picture I posted here. He eventually died of s swim bladder problem.
I hope this can be translated.
I spend a lot of time photographing this particular pair of fish. They make it easy and they are really a good looking pair of fish. I've noted before that they have a pretty set pattern of behavior leading up to, during and after breeding.
This particular phase is about a week prior to the event. The male will begin displaying and nudging the female from below...mouthing her side and fins. What I find interesting is that the female more or less goes slack when the male drives her sideways and to the top of the tank. I have several shots like this.
One of the things I do when I want to "create some action" is that I will spend a few minutes right in front of the tank, moving my hands along the glass, annoying the pair with my presence...then I step back and use a 105mm VR lens with three flash units (SB-900) two on top and one on the bottom. All flash units are diffused and output adjusted between +1 and -.75 depending on how much light I need at a particular angle. When you can dial in the correct exposures, the results are quite nice.

Still able to see me outside the tank. I have found that these fish...the parachromis in particular..have very good eye sight for about 6-8 feet in front of the tank. If I stand motionless within that range they will stare...and after a period of time (on their clock) they will resume activity. I try and dress in non contrasting colors and turn off all extraneous light. If you move even a couple inches left or right, they will zone back in on your image. Lot of time spent standing with the camera up to my eye...waiting.
Shortly after they forget about me, the male will begin by puffing himself up and kiting along side the female...fins erect and operculum popping. This photo was part luck and part keeping the lens to my eye for ten minutes. The fish looks insane. :D

And here he is kiting in over top of the female...completely blocking her from view.

I took these last two pictures and was pretty excited. When I see an image I capture and I know I have something...I get excited and it's like a drug. It just feels good. The question is always, do I put it on the computer now...or keep shooting. I always ultimately default to taking more photos. Like I said, I shoot these a lot and have hundreds that I haven't posted. I was able to get the male doing his "nuptial T-bone" to the female.

That last shot is a killer. B)
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Gönderim Zamanı: 03 Şubat 2012 20:06
Wow these are awesome pics and fish Mo,how do you feed these monsters? 

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Gönderim Zamanı: 03 Şubat 2012 20:30
One of the best Managuensis I saw around. I think the variety is different, they have blues on the fins. Most of the lets say all of the managuensis we have here, I never see that kind of blues on the fins. Even at my Loisellei. It should be fun to keep them.
Etrafta gördüğüm en güzel Managuensisler. Sanırım varyete farklı, finlerde mavilik var. Çoğu, hepsi diyelim, burada bizim sahip olduklarımızda bu mavilikleri hiç görmedim. Loisellei'im de bile böyle mavi yok.
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Gönderim Zamanı: 03 Şubat 2012 20:42
"Suyu bulanlar, hep aynı yeri kazanlardır" demiş Darkavi. Uzun yıllar aynı balığa bakanların olduğunu okumak bana bu sözü düşündürdü.
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Gönderim Zamanı: 03 Şubat 2012 21:31
Mr. Mo' nun yukarıdaki fotoğraflarından sonra merak edip facebook sayfasını gezdim harika fotoğraflar gördüm. Aralarından bir kaç fotoğraf seçerek paylaşmak istedim, çünkü gerçekten süperler.
Mr. Mo, thanks for all...
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Gönderim Zamanı: 03 Şubat 2012 22:08
Çok kaliteli fotolar bunlar...Çaba harcanmış belli.....
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Gönderim Zamanı: 03 Şubat 2012 23:18
Mo'nın geri geldiği iyi oldu. Hem görsel anlamda renk kattı, hem de heyecan getirdi. Bu arada dana gibi herşeyi yazmış, çevirmemizi istemiş, hepsiyle uğraşamayacağım. Kısaca; bu çiftin aşkını nasıl kadraja sığdırdığını anlatmış. Aslında bir sürü fotoğraf varmış, ancak bunları bilgisayara yüklemiş. Erkeğin dişiyi dişlemesi, kabarmamaları vs. bayılmış.
Bir de soruya cevap vermiş; balıklar 5-6 yaşından sonra kafa yapmışlar.
Çok baştansavma bir çeviri oldu, idare edin artık.
Bunu da google translate etmese bari)
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Gönderim Zamanı: 04 Şubat 2012 00:32
[QUOTE=FRoBS]Bu arada Mo'nun kullandığı fotoğraf makinası hakkında bilgisi olan var mı?[/QUOTE]
I have several camera's: Nikon D200, D300, D3 and just recently purchased a D700. I use a variety of len's, but my workhorse is a Nikon 105mm VR lens. I also have four Nikon SB-900 flash units.. 99% of all of my photos I use between three and four flash units.
[QUOTE=mekrög]One of the best Managuensis I saw around. I think the variety is different, they have blues on the fins. Most of the lets say all of the managuensis we have here, I never see that kind of blues on the fins. Even at my Loisellei. It should be fun to keep them.
You have a keen eye.
This variant of managuense was collected in La Cieba Honduras. THe fish is unique in that it does have a more intense blue along the back of the fish. As a juvenile this is more pronounced. As they get older, especially the male, it is less colorful.
Here's the F0 Nandopsis Beani male.

Two shots of the F0 Parachromis fredrichsthali "Yellow Head" with fry:

I have several camera's: Nikon D200, D300, D3 and just recently purchased a D700. I use a variety of len's, but my workhorse is a Nikon 105mm VR lens. I also have four Nikon SB-900 flash units.. 99% of all of my photos I use between three and four flash units.
[QUOTE=mekrög]One of the best Managuensis I saw around. I think the variety is different, they have blues on the fins. Most of the lets say all of the managuensis we have here, I never see that kind of blues on the fins. Even at my Loisellei. It should be fun to keep them.
Etrafta gördüğüm en güzel Managuensisler. Sanırım varyete farklı, finlerde mavilik var. Çoğu, hepsi diyelim, burada bizim sahip olduklarımızda bu mavilikleri hiç görmedim. Loisellei'im de bile böyle mavi yok.
[/QUOTE]You have a keen eye.

Here's the F0 Nandopsis Beani male.

Two shots of the F0 Parachromis fredrichsthali "Yellow Head" with fry:

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Gönderim Zamanı: 04 Şubat 2012 13:49
[QUOTE=ÇetinDemircan]Wow these are awesome pics and fish Mo,how do you feed these monsters?
I feed all of my fish a varied diet. The staple is a pellet manufactrured by Xtreme Aquatic foods. THey have a 9mm monster pellet. THis allows me to feed small amounts in a large pellet. http://www.xtremeaquaticfoods.com/ I took the photos for their labels and was given several cases of the food. IN addition I give them raw shrimp and scallops throughout the week.

I feed all of my fish a varied diet. The staple is a pellet manufactrured by Xtreme Aquatic foods. THey have a 9mm monster pellet. THis allows me to feed small amounts in a large pellet. http://www.xtremeaquaticfoods.com/ I took the photos for their labels and was given several cases of the food. IN addition I give them raw shrimp and scallops throughout the week.
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