2008 AGA Yarışması
İlk olarak 70-200L arası katılımcımız: Hakan Karataş

Evet onlar moss ball. Aslında jüriden de pek olumlu yorumlar almamış moss ball'lar.
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İlk olarak 70-200L arası katılımcımız: Hakan Karataş

Evet onlar moss ball. Aslında jüriden de pek olumlu yorumlar almamış moss ball'lar.
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"I'm sure this is a fun tank to look at in person... there is a lot going on. But for a aquascaping contest, there is a bit TOO much going on. Try developing more cohesive groups of plants, and use less species in such a small tank. I know that these moss balls have become very popular in some areas, but I don't think they are easy to use effectively in an aquascape." —Karen Randall
"Top marks for creativity with the hanging moss balls! I'm not sure if they add much to the layout but they certainly catch the eye! Well done." —George Farmer
"Suspended moss balls-a refreshing stretch of the imagination. But, in order for this escape from the "Nature Aquarium" to be taken seriously, there is work to be done on improving your plantsmanship. The plants seem healthy but good trimming technique, and the "rules" for good design still apply." —Bob Vivian
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