siyah neon üreme yabancı dili bulunanlar bir baksın

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1-Water's chemistry matters. I know for neons, you need a pH around 5.5 for them to even think about breeding.
The eggs may be effected by the light. It needs to be almost completely dark after a spawning happens or the eggs may die.
They may be nervous about the mop... I would try switching to fake plants. The tank is cycled right? I doubt they'll want to breed if water conditions are stressing them out. The tank may be a bit small as well.
Guppies are insanely easy to breed... the trick isn't to breed them, but to get them to stop breeding. Danios and Barbs by comparison are easy to breed as well. Tetras are more difficult and require more attention to minute details.
Before attempting to breed The Black Neon Tetra, condition the prospective parents with good food. Fish of about one year old are suitable for breeding. The sex of the fish can be determined by its body shape. The female Black Neon Tetras are much deeper in the body than the males.
Although The Black Neon Tetra can be kept in water harder and more alkaline than its natural habitat, for breeding it is necessary to get closer to what The Black Neon Tetra would get in the Amazon. Breeding The Black Neon Tetra requires acidic water with no more than 4̊ of hardness. Use dim lighting.
The Black Neon Tetra is an egg scatterer, laying adhesive (sticky) eggs over plants, etc. One female can produce several hundred eggs. The Black Neon Tetra parents will eat their own eggs and babies, so it is normal to remove the parents after spawning. As with many fish, The Black Neon Tetra often spawns in the early morning.
Raising the fry can be difficult because of their small size. The first food will normally be protozoa (infusoria). Fine fry food like Sera Micron can be used, graduating to slightly coarse fry food like Sera Micropan or HBH Fry Bites. At all ages, The Black Neon Tetra benefits from suitable size live food.This Fact Sheet is also published at Associated Content, and many other articles by Steve Challis are on the same site.
Steve Challis
3-The Black Neon Tetra is quite easy to breed indeed and I've read this in more than article. They don't know what they are talking about.
The key to success seems to be water conditions especially small and frequent water changes and their feeding. They usually breed in the morning and such is the case with my experience as I've just watched a single pair breed this morning. They did so in my fairly new (2 months) 38L Nano Cube community tank. So caviar was on the on the breakfast menu for most of the other fish... grrrr.
The water conditions at the time were:
Temp: 77F
KH 4.5°
GH 8°
pH 6.8
The tank was originally set-up using DIY diffused CO2 and 'Eco-Complete' with a heated substrate and lots of various plants (see attached picture below).
All the fish were fed Live California Blackworms (Lumbriculus variegatus) an hour or so before. After a short while, the male in his best breeding colors was "dancing" around the female, trying to entice her. The pair brush together and the female responded by scattering a few very tiny, clear, semi-adhesive eggs that are instantly fertilized by the male. This process was repeated every few minutes for about an hour as the female release more and more eggs. Each time they were consumed by the other fish only. It seems when they are spawning they will not touch the eggs. The trouble seems to come when they have finished spawning, for they then start to hunt for the eggs and eat them. In this case though, there were very few left.
This entire event was rather unexpected but I guess that makes me a new father of sorts now.

Good luck with yours.
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